1xpartners affiliate network – review and T&C updates

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What is it and why I use it

1xpartners is an official 1xBet affiliate network. Back in days it was bookmaker, but now users can play in 1xGames and casino. So, even in quarantine they monetize users.

Reasons to use it:

  1. 1xBet is a well-known brand. It’s reputation is questionable. But they buy a lot of ads.
  2. It’s easy to start work with. If they will not accept you, you can send traffic to them through aggregators.

That what I do – I use CPAkitchen and 3Snet. They will pay you 27% Revenue Share from the start (against 15% in 1xpartners, according to T&C it can be increased up to 25%). They change redirect domains (at least CPAkitchen) fore some countries it’s necessary.

Main affiliate network (1xpartners) I use only for promo codes – because aggregators don’t have this opportunity. But they give me only ~2% of FD (first deposits).

1xpartners T&C updates (what was changed and why it’s important)

Main change is paragraph 7.3. If you will stop traffic (attract less than 3 new users in 3 months), 1xpartners can reduce your Revenue Share or even terminate your account. What can we do with that? I’m splitting traffic among aggregators. It gives me several advantages: higher Revenue Share, Lower risks of account termination (even if I’ll stop my traffic I’ll get my money), When somebody have big wins I still have profit at another affiliate program.

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